Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Should A Normal Period Look Like Should I Get My Normal Period After Weeks Of Breakthrough Bleeding?

Should i get my normal period after weeks of breakthrough bleeding? - what should a normal period look like

I recently began to ALESSE26 and had a good three weeks of bleeding. Well, delay my time.
Is this normal or should I worry?


sokokl said...

Yes, it can be normal to bleeding occurs when trying to adjust to the pill, but I recommend you check with your doctor and see what they say.

Sometimes this bleeding can occur is because the amount of the hormone medication is too low for the body is able to manage for some women.

3ng1n33r... said...

Oh, I remember this happening, if I is worth a birth control as three months, then one weeks vacation time. Work not bleed like this, but how you describe a couple of weeks, and was very excited. Ask your doctor or nurse if you believe that your body adjusts and it stops, or when you should switch to a different type of birth control.

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