Wednesday, January 27, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Std Results Back How Long Does It Take To Know Your STD Testing Results?

How long does it take to know your STD testing results? - how long does it take to get std results back

I'm going to test in a family planning clinic, but I am very worried about nothing, because the reading of this material has me out of fear. I wonder after the test, how long does it take to get back to results? Besides, what tests are involved in a STD test? HIV is included in the price?


LINDA R said...

For the HIV test, you must give their signed consent. It can test different take much time to achieve results, depending on what test you may ask to have done. HIV tests can be 20 minutes to 2 weeks to comment on the search results to get back. But with HIV, there is a latency time (time that could be infected), but no positive test for antibody should the dependency on the duration of your exposure possible was to be reviewed. It usually takes 3-4 months for HIV antibodies to appear, but may in rare cases up to 6 months.

sweetang... said...

usually takes 3.11 days for infection by bacteria such as chlamydia, gonorhhea, syphilis ..

Viral infections such as HIV, herpes and HPV testing have 3 months to get it ..

asked whether all sexually transmitted diseases, some BC hospitals, not all the Test .. I belong to believe that paternity test for each request, the final u plan unless the standard test for everyone ..

When I'm gone .. I have only been tested for chlamydia and gonorhhea, and I had an HIV test .. Question I did not know until later that U's motion for a STD at all .. need to consider, but I did not wait to go (long), I finally got Goin to my doctor at my clinic and makes it a STD and blood ..

cali_guy... said...

2 to 3 weeks, the detection of uranium, blood or a sample taken from his private life. and when I test the standard test for all that you can get is a standard HIV theyll know.

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